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What is a Blanket Mortgage and How Does It Work?

What is a Blanket Mortgage and How Does It Work?

Navigating the world of real estate financing can be complex, particularly for investors looking to expand their property portfolio. One such financing tool that can prove advantageous for these investors is a blanket mortgage or blanket loan. This comprehensive guide will provide an in-depth understanding of blanket mortgages, their benefits, and how they work to help investors make informed decisions.

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What is a Blanket Mortgage?

A blanket mortgage is a loan that covers multiple pieces of real estate under a single mortgage, instead of having the hassle of obtaining multiple loans for multiple properties. Essentially, it "blankets" more than one property, allowing the borrower to consolidate their loans and manage them as one. This type of mortgage is particularly attractive for real estate investors, developers, and builders looking to finance several properties at once. Blanket mortgages are typically used for investment properties, such as rental units, apartment buildings, and commercial properties, rather than primary residences.

How Does a Blanket Mortgage Work?

Blanket mortgages work by consolidating multiple mortgages into one, with a single set of terms and conditions, monthly payment, and interest rate. The lender holds a lien on all the properties included in the blanket mortgage, which serve as collateral for the loan. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how blanket mortgages function:


Initiating the process of obtaining a blanket loan begins with the borrower submitting a comprehensive application to a blanket mortgage lender. This application requires the borrower to provide pertinent details about each property they intend to include under the loan, such as property type, location, value, and existing mortgage information.

The thorough documentation of these properties enables the lender to evaluate the borrower's personal finance strength, investment strategy, and the overall viability of the blanket loan. Consequently, a well-prepared and accurate application is crucial in obtaining approval from the lender and securing the desired blanket loan for the borrower's property portfolio.


The lender assesses the borrower's creditworthiness and the combined value of the properties to determine whether the borrower qualifies for the loan. If approved, the lender issues a blanket loan covering all the properties.


During the closing process, the borrower and lender come together to finalize the loan agreement. The borrower reviews and signs the mortgage documents, which outline essential details such as the interest rate, repayment terms, and any release clauses specific to the blanket mortgage. Upon the completion of this paperwork, the lender disburses the loan funds, granting the borrower access to the capital necessary to finance multiple properties. This stage marks the official commencement of the borrower's obligations under the blanket mortgage and sets the stage for their ongoing relationship with the lender throughout the loan repayment period.

Monthly Payments:

The borrower makes a single mortgage payment to the lender each month, covering the principal and interest on the entire loan.

Release Clauses:

One unique feature of blanket mortgages is the inclusion of a partial release clause, which allows the borrower to sell or refinance one or more properties within the blanket mortgage without affecting the others. Once a property is released, the mortgage balance is adjusted accordingly.

Loan Payoff

The process of paying off a blanket mortgage is completed when the borrower fulfills all loan terms and settles the principal and interest amounts for every property encompassed by the mortgage. This crucial milestone signifies the successful management of multiple properties under one loan, ultimately allowing the borrower to enjoy full ownership of each property without any outstanding mortgage obligations and the release of liens on the properties.

Advantages of a Blanket Mortgage

Simplified Management:

Blanket mortgages simplify loan management for investors, as it consolidates multiple loans into a single mortgage with one monthly payment, interest rate, and set of terms. This streamlined approach can save time and effort compared to managing multiple individual mortgages. It also makes it the perfect way for entrepreneurs or property developers to open multiple locations of a business with a single loan. This type of loan is also great for house flippers and residential landlords.

Lower Interest Rates:

Blanket mortgages often come with lower interest rates than individual property loans, as the lender is taking on less risk by having multiple properties as collateral. This can lead to lower monthly payments with significant cost savings over the life of the loan, and who doesn't like to save money?

Greater Flexibility:

Blanket loans provide flexibility in terms of property management, as it allows the borrower to buy, sell, or refinance rental properties within the blanket mortgage without affecting the other properties in the loan, thanks to the release clause.

Increased Buying Power:

With one blanket loan, real estate investors can leverage the equity in their existing properties to finance the purchase of additional properties, expanding their investment portfolio more quickly and efficiently than with individual mortgages.

Fewer Loan Applications:

Blanket loans offer investors the distinct advantage of consolidating multiple property loans into one loan. By doing so, it significantly reduces the need for multiple loan applications—a process that can be time-consuming, cumbersome, and potentially overwhelming, particularly for investors with an extensive property portfolio. Instead of dealing with the complexities of managing individual mortgages for each property, borrowers can now focus on a single blanket mortgage application, which simplifies the financing process and allows investors to dedicate more time and energy to their core business activities, such as property management, acquisition, and overall investment strategy.

Potential Drawbacks of a Blanket Mortgage


Since all properties under a blanket mortgage serve as collateral for the loan, a default on the mortgage may result in the lender foreclosing on multiple assets, not just the one in default. This cross-collateralization can put the borrower's entire portfolio at risk if they fail to meet their loan obligations.

Limited Lender Options:

Not all lenders offer blanket mortgages, which can limit the borrower's options when searching for competitive rates and terms. It may be more challenging to find blanket mortgage lenders, particularly for borrowers with less-than-stellar credit or a smaller real estate portfolio.

Difficult to Secure:

Blanket mortgages can be harder to secure than individual property loans, as lenders may require a higher credit score, more substantial down payment, or additional documentation, given the complexity and risk associated with this type of loan.

Higher Closing Costs:

Closing costs for a blanket mortgage may be higher than those for traditional mortgage loans due to the increased complexity of the loan and the fact that multiple properties are involved. However, the overall cost savings from a lower interest rate may offset these higher closing costs.

Reduced Liquidity:

While the release clause provides some flexibility for investors to buy, sell, or refinance individual properties within the blanket mortgage, the overall liquidity of the borrower's portfolio may be reduced due to the cross-collateralization of properties.

businessman showing liquidity of real estate sales and profit


A blanket mortgage loan can be a powerful tool for real estate investors looking to expand their investment property portfolio while streamlining loan management and potentially lowering interest rates. However, it's essential to weigh the advantages and drawbacks before committing to this type of financing over traditional mortgage loans. Investors should carefully assess their financial situation, risk tolerance, and investment goals to determine if a blanket mortgage is the right fit for their needs.

This changes the game for real estate developers, real estate investors and those wanting to become one. As with any financial decision, consulting with a trusted financial advisor or mortgage professional can provide valuable insight and guidance tailored to your unique situation. So, how much does it cost to buy a rental property? Debating between a REIT vs rental property? Check with The Short Term Shop. If you're a real estate investor looking for a lender who offers blanket mortgage loans, The Short Term Shop can support you to find what you need.

By understanding the nuances of a blanket mortgage, investors can make informed decisions that align with their long-term objectives and ultimately help them achieve success in the real estate market.

Avery Carl

Avery Carl

Avery Carl was named one of Wall Street Journal’s Top 100 and Newsweek’s Top 500 agents in 2020. She and her team at The Short Term Shop focus exclusively on Vacation Rental and Short Term Rental Clients, having closed well over 1 billion dollars in real estate sales. Avery has sold over $300 million in Short Term/Vacation Rentals since 2017. An investor herself, with a portfolio of over 100 Doors, Avery specializes in connecting investors with short term rentals with the highest ROI potential, and then training them to manage their short term rental from their smart phone from anywhere in the world.

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